
What is it?

It is the inability to produce speech completely due to a brain injury or head and neck trauma. In some conditions of brain damage resulting in stroke may leave the patient with speech problems like aphasia. There are 3 kinds of Aphasia based on the severity and its effect. They are – Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia and global aphasia. Patients would have usually had a normal and healthy speech pattern before the stroke. In rare cases, people may be born with the inability to speak. They may also have difficulty in recalling words and understanding common speech.

What is it?


It is the inability to produce speech completely due to a brain injury or head and neck trauma. In some conditions of brain damage resulting in stroke may leave the patient with speech problems like aphasia. There are 3 kinds of Aphasia based on the severity and its effect. They are – Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia and global aphasia. Patients would have usually had a normal and healthy speech pattern before the stroke. In rare cases, people may be born with the inability to speak. They may also have difficulty in recalling words and understanding common speech.




Risk Factors




Risk Factors


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